Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dr.H.Lallungmuana Interview

MLA inthlan-ah khan party hrang hrang in an sawm chein kan lo hria a, mawi takin i hnar vek si a. MP inthlan hi ilothlir lawk tihna a ni thei em?
Thlir lawk hran love. Amaherawhchu, tel ve tur ka nih chuan MP inthlan hi chu ka lo zu tel tawhna a nih avang leh hmachhawp ka neih nual avangin ka lung chu a len viau zawk a ni.
Party hrang hrangte khan kei tehlul min sawm ve tliar tliar a, ka thiante leh thawhpuite an ni a, a lunglen thlak pawh ka ti viau a. Mahse, ka han tawngtai khan ‘eng’ fiah tak ka hmu lo bawk nen, midang thahnem tak an lo awm bawk a, ka inrawlh ta lo a ni.
Lok Sabha inthlan erawh hi chu a dan a dang deuhin ka hria a, tum lawkna renn run ka neilo nain min hann sawm ve takah chuan ka rilru chu a han kau ta deuh a. Ka tih tur a nih leh nih loh hriat chaka ka tawngtai pawhin a ‘eng’ lam deuh nia ka hriat avang leh thla 13 vel ka lo zu tel ve tawh atanga ka thil hmuh leh ka hmachhawp nia ka hriat chhunzawm chak te pawh ka nei ve leh a, tichuan sawmna hi ka pawm ta a ni.

MP Candidate atan hian MPC-MNF chauhin em ni sawm che?
MLA inthlan dawn laia party ten min rawn sawm kha chuan, ‘MP candidate-ah pawh i duh chuan’ tia min sawm te pawh an awm a, tuna MP thlan dawn hnai takah chuan anni pahnih chauh hi an ni mai e.

MP i lo nih tawh chhunga i hnathawh langsr zual min hrilh thei em?
Sawi tur a awm ve nual ang a, a hmasa berah chuan MP fund, tun hma a mipuiin an la hmelhriat vak loh hi mi zawng zawng hriatah leh anmahni tan a nih zia ka tlangau pui a. Hmun hrang hrang 74-ah kum khat chhungin MP fund Rs. nuai 125, ka qoata aia tam mipuite tan ka seng ral hman a. A ariel lo awm te pawh mipui ta vek a nih avangin sem chhuak vek turin ka ti a, mipuiin MP fund hi an hmel hriat phah tak tak niin ka hria.
A pahnihna-ah chuan Mizorama Railway police recruitment an rawn neih lai khan, Mizo tlangval 32 chu fit leh tlinga puan an ni a, appoinment order lo nghak mai tura hrilh an ni a. Amaherawhchu, kum khat dawn hnu-ah pawh engmah appoinment pek an ni lo tih MP atana thlan tlin ka nih hnu khan min hrilh a. Chung mite hming leh address chu ka dil a, Delhi ka thlen thlak hnu-ah Pathian hnenah ka tawngtai a, ‘mite ka puih theih nan min pui rawh’ tiin. Pathianin remchang min siam sak a, India hmarchhak MP te leh Railway Authority te inkawmna hun a lo awm a, chutah chuan ka sawi chhuak a, ‘tling te hnena appoinment pek leh si loh hi engnge a awmzia, an aiah plain mi in dah leh si tihna em ni?’ tiin Railway Minister chu ka challange a, chu chu chhui zui min tiam a. An chhui zui a, a hnu thla 2/3 hnu-ah appoinment an pe vek a, ka lawm khawp mai.
Tin, Mizoram University Bill House-a introduce vat turin ka nawr a. HRD Minister nen vawi 5 kan inhmuh hnu-ah kan va inngur a, ‘Dr. Muana, i hmanhmawh lutuk’ min ti a, chu chuan ka thin a khei zak mai. ‘Kum 1986 Peace Accord MNF leh India ziakah University pek hi a tel tawh a, kum 13 hnu-ah pawh hmanhmawh min ti a nih chuan i thusawi hi ka ‘digest lo’, tiin ka chhuah tauh san a. Prime MInister AB Vajpayee hnenah ka zualko a. ‘HRD MInister nen in sawi dun tawh em?’ min lo ti a, ‘Hemi thu-ah hian vawi 5 ka hmu tawh a, kan inhmuh tam poh leh kan kar a hla’ tiin ka chhang a. ‘Engvang nge? Engati nge? tiin min zawt a. ‘Keimah min zawt suh, amah zawt la engkim i hre zawk ang. Amaherawhchu, hei hi ka sawi duh Peace Accord meuhah a inziak tel a, kum 13 vei thlenga Mizoram University pek chu sawi loh House-ah a bill pawh introduce a nih loh laia Peace Accord pawh nei ve hlei lo India Hmarchhak State zawng zawngin anmahni pualin an nei vek si, a ‘reverse happening’ hi ka hrethiam lo’ tiin ka chhal a ‘It will be given, it will be given’ tiin vawi thum min tiam a, hei an ti puitling chho ta hi ka lawm khawp mai.
Tuna kan University neih hi a la changtlung lo hle a, kan Vice Chancellor pawhin, ‘politics a i zuang lut leh a nih chuan University chanchin hrechiangtu leh a mamawh hretu i ni a, chuvangin kan university hi rawn theihnghilh suh ang che’ tia min chah kha ka hre reng mai. MP te han nih leh theih a, ka hmabak han chhunzawm zel hi ka chak khawp mai.
Pakhat chauh ka’n sawi leh ang a. Gujarat-a Kristian Bible an hal a, Biak In an tihchhiat lai khan Prime Minister Vajpayee chu a room-ah ka luh chilh a, ‘Vajpayeeji, i ministry hi pawn lam a\angin a thu a zirin ka lo support ve thin che a, keima tan cheng khatmah leh dinhmun ka beisei lo” ka ti a, ‘A dik alawm’ tiin min chhang a. “Amaherawhchu, beisei pakhat neiin ka support che u” ka tih veleh ‘Engnge ni?’ a rawn ti a. Kei chuan, “India rama minority te hi in safeguard in, in protect in in assist reng em tiin pawn lam atangin ka support che u” ka han tih chuan, “Chu chu tun thlenga kan tum a ni” a ti a. “Gujarat-ah Kristian Bible leh Bible hal thu ka lo chhiar a. Kei hi KRistian leader ka ni a, tunah hian khawiah nge ka awm? tih min hrilh rawh” ka ti a. A ngawi reng a, kei lah ka in ang thinrim a, ka ngawi zui ve leh bawk si a. Chu chu MP ka nih chhunga ka tihsual pawi ber niin ka hria. Ngaithla tura a inpeih reng lai khan Isua Chanchin Tha hrilh tur ka ni a, ka hun remchang ka bawh pelh kha a pawi ka ti. Gandhi-a pawh khan Isua hnen atangin ‘non-violence’ hi a zir a ni a, chu Chanchin Tha sawina hun remchang ‘Golden Chance’ ka neih laia, ka thinrimin ka bawh pelh ta kha ka ui khawp mai.

Mizo Thalaite hi eng ang dinhmuna dingin nge i hmuh?
Thalaite hi thawh tur tha tak chu awm se an thatchhe lo. Thawh tur nei lo leh hmabak nei lo nia inhria hi an lainatawm. Chuvang chuan thawh tur nei leh hmabak neia kan siam a pawimawh. Central-ah scheme leh thil dang chi hrang hrang zawn a, Zoram tana pawhluh ve te pawh thil tih tur pawimawh takah ka ngai.

A nih leh Thalaite-ah hian beiseina i nei reng reng em?
Nei tehreng e. Kaihhruaina dik hnuaiah an awm a, an mind set kan tih dik chuan thluak leh kut themthiam lamah pawh hnam dangte hi kan khum niin ka hria. Mahse, hei hi ‘unexplore’ a la ni a, facilities kan nei lova, anmamawh leh an duh ang tih theihna a awm lova, a nihna tur angin kal ila chuan an kuthleina te pawh hi a tangkai zawnga kan hman chuan beiseina sang tak ka nei.
Kum 30 chuang zet nula tlangval zingah ka lo khawsa tawh a. Sports, Adventure, excursion-ah te ka lo hruai tawh thin a. Potential leh talent hi Pathianin a pe tha tih pawh a hrechiangtute zingah ka tel vein ka hria. Chuvangin kan enkawl dan a zirin beiseina sang tak ka nei a ni.

Kuthnathawh hi hna zahawm-ah nge i ngaih hna hnuaihnung?
Hna zahawm takah ka ngai a, ka novel ziah ‘Ram leh I tan chauh’ tihah pawh khan sorkar hna ringawta innghat lova mahni kuta din a, kuthnathawh a hlawk theih zia te pawh ka tarlang a ni. Tunah pawh Mualpui lui kamah Khanghu hmun ka nei a, Lengpui ramah Hmunphiah ka ching bawk a. Kuthnathawh hi ka ngaisang mai ni lovin, ka luhchilh a ni.

Mizo Nationalism hi a peil mek niin an sawi a, chu chu i pawm zawng a ni em?
Ka hmuh dan chuan dinhmun hlauhawm takah a awm. Kan retheih em avangin sum leh pai leh dinhmun te kan hmu tai a. Chuvang chuan tunah tak pawh hian India rama National Party pakhat Indian national Congress chu kan ramah pawh hneh takin kan sorkar tir a. Mahse, Central-ah pawh an uar tawh loh leh a hniam zela an kal laiin Zofate hian hnam rilru pawh pu hleithei lo hian kan inchhung zel emaw ni chu awm ka ti hial. Kan rilru, identity hi sum leh pai hian a eichhe mek niin ka hria. Hnam rilru pu rana thil ti hi an tlem sawt em em a, hei hi ka vei khawp mai. Chuvangin tun Parliament inthlanah pawh hian kan hnam rilru, Mizo Mizona phochhuak thei ngei tura, hnamdang ang chhunga lut lova, mipuite candidate ka nih duhna pawh hi chulai tak chu a ni.

MP lo ni tawh te i ni a, Central Politics pawh ila ngaihven chhunzawm zel anga, tuna central politics dinhmun khu engnge i hmuh dan?
India ramah hian national party lian tak tak kan nei thin a. Amaherawhchu, heng national party te hian tlak hniam lam an pan mek niin a lang. Congress an ni emaw BJP an ni emaw, inthlan apiangin an dinhmun a hniam telh telh a, regional party inhlawmkhawm tumna hian boruak a siam mek niin ka hria. National party te pawh heng regional party te kuah khawm tum hian an phe vel mek bawk a. Chutih kara national party kher tia lo buai hi a ‘outdated’ tawh ni pawhin a lang.

MP ngawi reng tih hi a lar khawp mai a, I MP lai khan nangmah kha MP ngawi reng zingah i in chhiar tel em?
MP ngawi reng chu ka inti phal lo. Ka MP tirh atang khan thusawi tumin ka inbuatsaih a, nitin lehkha pawimawh ka keng a. Thla 6 hnua-ah House-ah thu ka sawi thei. Gujarat buaina avang khan Prime Mminister pawh ka hmu a, India Hmarchhak MP te sawm khawmin lehkha tam tak siamin kan thawn chhuak bawk.
Union Minister Kumaramangalam-a meeting koh-ah vawikhat ka tel tumin meeting kha a bul lamah englih-in an kaihruai a, a hnu lamah hindi in an chhunzawm a, engmah ka hriatthiam ve takloh avangin ka ding a, ‘he meeting-a kka awm ve hi a tul love’ tiin ka chhuahsan a. Minister-in min rawn umzui a, ka harsatna min rawn zawt a. Hindi ka thiamloh thu leh an tawng hrethiam ve lo chunga awm reng chu a tulna ka hriat loh thu ka sawi a. Chumi tum chuan meeting-a lut turin min thlem leh chiam nghe nghe a. Ani khan midang a hrilh leh a, khata tang khan meeting reng reng-ah hindi an hman pawhin a tawpna leh a karlakah english in an sawifiah ta ziah a ni. Kei chu ka ata a leiah ka tawng chhuak phawng phawng zel a, chuvang chuan MP ngawi reng ni chuan ka in ngai lem lo.

Candidate-a an puan ni che khan ‘Nghawng thleng bak’ tih kha a lar hle a, hei hi engnge a awmzia?
MLA leh VC inthlan-ah hneh takain Congress kan sorkar tir a. Kan ram dinhmun enin hetiang hi kan mamawh pawh a ni maithei e. Mahse, mihring taksa angin ka tehkhin a, nghawng thlenga dai pung pung tawh angin a lang a. A chung ber chu lu, hriatna, hmuhna, ei theihna leh thil engkim, kan identity lanna kha a ni. Chu ber chu a chim pil chuan a pawi dawn em a, nghawng thleng bak hi chim tir lo ila ka duh a ni. Inthlanna a a lu ber MP inthlanah hian kan lu em hi chu chim tir lo ila, kan identity hi la vawng nung ila ka duh a ni.

MP thlan-ah hian tlin theih i in beisei em?
Pathian leh mipuite zarah beisei e. Party candidate ka ni lova, independent candidate kha party ten min tawiawm a ni a. Min tawiawmtu party te hi an thawhhona a tha bawkin ka hria. Tin, MP ka nih hmasaka boruak ang deuh chiah khan, chawpchilh taka mipui candidate tura sawm ka’n ni leh bawk a. Ka rilru a ka lo suangtuah ve thin pakhat chu, kan ramah hian regional party pakhat leh national party pakhat hi awm sela, chumite chuan ro inrel chhawk mai sela tih hi ka ngaihtuah a, chutiang boruak te chu a in her mek em aw te ka ti bawk.
Amaherawhchu, kan khingpuite hian vai rama an chin thin, kan rama copy ve te an nie a. Inthlan dawn hnaia dawt mak deuh deuha inpuh te, lehkha leh thil dang sem chiam te a lo awm tawh thin a, hei hi a kristian lova, a thalo khawp mai. Hetiang te hi thil thleng palh a lo nih pawhin kan hriat lawk a pawimawh khawpin ka hria.

Pu Lungmuana'n Press mite kawm

Mipui Tangrual Pawl MP candidate Dr. H.Lallungmuana chuan vawiin inrinni hian Aizawl Press Club-ah Press mite a kawm a. National Party ten nzuih lam an pan mek lai hian Mizo Nationalism kengkawh zawng leh insuihkhawm zawnga kal pawimawh a tih thu a sawi.

Pu Lungmuana chuan, Nerhu-a te Mahatma Gandhi ten India ram chu pangpar huana pangpar chi hrang hrang par vul chuk angin an lo tehkhin tawh a. Chutianga Mizo hnam pawh pangpar mawi tak anga kan par theihna tur chuan khawiah mah min 'kawlawm' hran lova, keimahni dikna leh chanvo kan humhalh zel theih nan kan tanrual a ngai a ni, a ti. Chumi atan chuan UN Declaration on Indegenous People pawh hman tangkai theih a nih thu a sawi bawk.

Press mite zawhna chhangin Pu Lungmuana chuan, tuna ka khingpui ber te hi UPA mi leh sa an nih avanngin thlan tlin lo ni ta pawh ni ila, an zingah chuan ka thu kher lo ang a. Chutih rual chuan India politics hi nikhat thil thu-ah pawh danglam reng a ni a, eng party pawh nise, an thil tum leh an hmathlirte a zirin ka thlawp theihloh tur an awm ka hre lo. An thil tih tum dana thlawp tlak nia kan ngaihloh chuan Parliament House-ah pawh independent in kan thu ve mai tur a ni, a ti bawk.

A hun hmasa-ah NDA thlawp anga sawi chungchangah Pu Lungmuana chuan, NDA sorkar kha party 13 rangrual an ni a, an thil tum leh an common minimun programme a zirin pawn lam atangin ka thlawp mai a ni a, an angchhunga intulut tur chuan ka inphal lo a ni, a ti.

North East MP 25 vel zet te chu duh thuhmun leh harsatna tawn in ang kan nih avangin inhlawmkhawm a, kan hmasawnn vena tur kawngah chuan party hrang pawh ni ila kan tan tlan theihna tur kawng zawn chu thil pawimawh leh tih hmasak tur zingah a tel ngei ang, a ti bawk.

Media mite zawhna chhangin Pu Lungmuana chuan, MP thlanah hian lo tling lo ta pawh ni ila, ram in kei tehlul hi min mamawh a nih chuan tlanchhiat ka tum lo. Ka duh ber chu hlawmkhata awm hova Mizo hnam dinchhuahna hi a ni. Party zawm leh zawm loh lam hi ka lungkham ber a ni lo. tiin a sawi bawk.

He Press Conference-ah hian Media mite an kal tha hle a. Tangrual lam atangin Pu Sailothanga Sailo Ex-MLA, Pu K.Vanlalauva, Ex-Minister, Pu H.Vanlalauva Ex-Minister leh party worker thanhnem takin an tawimawm bawk a ni.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pu Muana'n chhim lam a hrut mek, Saihaah boruak a tha

Mipui Tangrual Candidate Dr. H. Lallungmuana chuan chhim bial tuamin campaign a nei mek a. Vawiin chhunah khan Sangau ah mipui thahnem tak pungkhawm hmaah thu a sawi a, a thusawi ngaithlatute a hneh hle.

Saiha bazar-ah tlai lamah khan public meeting koh a ni a, rin phak baka tam mipui an pungkhawm a. A thusawi ngaithlatuten amahah beiseina sang tak an neih phah thu dawn a ni. Hemi hnu hian press mite nen inkawmhona hun tha tak an nei bawk.

Saiha khawpuiah hian mi pawimawh tak takte Pu Muana hi an lo dawngsawng a, chungte chu - Pu H.C. Lalmalsawma Zasai, President, MNF Dist. Hqrs, Saiha ; Pu S. Lalremthanga, MDC & MDF Gen Secy ; Pu B.Phasia, MDC; Pu L.Patha, MDC;
Pu L.C.Hlychho, MDC;
Pu P.H.C. Lalmaa, Joint V.C. Pre.
Pu S.Vadel, ex-Chairman MDC bakah
MDF leh MNF party hruaitute leh veng hrng hranga an unit hruaitute.

Ruahman lawk dan chuan Pu Muana hi zaninah Lawngtlaiah a riak ang a, naktukah Lunglei panin a chhuak leh ang. Pu Muana hi beisei lawk aiin mipuiin an lawm a, party 3 te an tanrual that zia hmuh theihin a lang bawk a. Hneh taka thlan tlin a nih ngei a rinawm.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Pu Lungmuana'n Hmar tlang dung a hrut

April 3,2009 : Mipui tangrual MP candidate Dr. H. Lallungmuana chuan vawiin khan hmar tlang dung a fang a. Zing karin Aizawl chhuahsanin Sesawngah tukthuan a ei a. Sesawngah hian tualto party pathum hruaituten an lo dawngsawng a.

Chumi hnuah Khawruhlian bazar-ah public meeting-ah thu a sawi a. Hetah pawh hian tualto party pathum in an lo dawngsawng a, a thu sawiin mipui rilru a khawih hle a ni.

Khawruhlian atang chuan Darlawn an pan leh a. Darlawn-ah hian tangrual party hrang aiawhten pangpar thi an lo awrhtir a. Pu Muana hi a kalna apiangah tualto party pathum MNF, MPC leh ZNP mi leh saten an lo tawiawm tha thei hle a ni. Darlawn-ah hian public meeting neih a ni a, boruak a tha hle a ni.

Ruahman lawk dan chuan Sakawrdai leh Ratu lamah public meeting neih leh a ni ang a, chumi hnuah Aizawlah a lo let leh dawn a ni.

Pu Muana'n hmar tlang dung a fannaah hian Pu Lalvenhima Hmar (UDA-MLA candidate) leh Pu Gogo Lalremtluanga (MNF-MLA candidate) ten an tawiawm bawk. A thusawiin mipui rilru a hneh hle a thudawn a ni


Dr H Lallungmuana hi Lalkhawsiama (late) fapa a ni a, kum 1944 January ni 9 khan Biate khuaah a piang a, kum 1973 October ni 18 khan K Kawlramthangi nena inneiin tunah hian fapa pathum leh fanu pahnih an nei a, Salem Veng Aizawlah an cheng mek.

Thiamna lamah chuan MA Ph.D a ni a, St Anthony’s College, Shillong leh North- Eastern Hill University, Shillong (Meghalaya), Gauhati University, Gauhati (Assam)-ahte a lo zir tawh thin a, political leh social worker a ni a, a lawina Salem veng Presbyterian Kohhran Upa a ni bawk.

Mizoram Civil Service (MCS) ah a inziak tling a, mahse a zawm ta lo a, ama tuina ber zirtirtu hna tlangin kum 1974 atangin Pachhunga University College-ah lecturer hna a zawm ta zawk a. Pu Muana hi zirtirtu hlawhtling tak a ni a, Pachhunga University College zirlai zawng zawngin an hmelhriat leh an ngainat a ni a, a lecture ngaithla tur hian a subject la lote pawh a class-ah an thu thup thin a ni. Kum 2004 atangin Pachhunga University College Principal hna thawkin nikum khan a pension a ni.

Kum 1998 Lok Sabha MP thlanah khan Citizen's Common Front candidate niin Dr H Lallungmuana hian a khingpui amah hnaih bertu Congress candidate J Lalsangzual chu vote 41-in a hneh a. He inthlanah hian Independent candidate Dr H Lallungmuana hian vote 1,06,552 a hmu a, amah hnaih bertu J Lalsangzuala hian vote 1,06,511 a hmu a, MNF candidate Dr R Lalthangliana chuan vote 82,047 a hmu thung.

Lok Sabha MP a nih lai hian Member, Committee on Energy and its Sub-Committee-I on Power Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Home Affairs atante ruat a lo ni a. Rei lo te MP a nih chhung khan Parliament ah thu a sawi thei a, Mizo hnam leh India ram Kristiante aiawhtu ni a a inngaih tlat avangin Mizoram harsatna a sawi chhuak a ni. Prime Minister pawh hmuni Kristian tihduhdah tuarte thlavang a hauh ngam bawk. Lehkhabu ziak mi niin, "Ram leh I Tan Chauh," tih a ziak chuan kum 1995 MAL Book of the Year a dawn phah nghe nghe.

Tun tum Lok Sabha M.P. inthlan lo awm turah hian tualto party hrang hrang - MNF, MPC leh MDF candidate intawm a ni a. Tualto party lian dang ZNP chu MP inthlanah hian hai mahse an hruaitute leh an mi leh sate chuan Pu Lungmuana hi puih an tum thu an sawi.

Lok Sabha MP a nih laia Dr H Lallungmuana Thusawi

'M.P. ngawi reng' ti a tun hma atanga kan M.P. neih tawh zahawm tak takte an sel fo lai hian Dr. H. Lallungmuana hian kum khat awrh chauh M.P. (Lok Sabha) nih ve chhung khan huaisen takin Parliament chhungah ram hruaitu lawk pui pui karah Mizo nationalism chungchang au chhuahpuiin, India sorkarin Mizote leh hmarchhaka chengte min enkawl dan dik lo a sawi chhuak ngam a ni.

Mr. Speaker, Sir, this is my first chance to speak in the House. Even after five months, this is my maiden speech. I was almost tempted to feel as though I have no say in this House; I have not been a part of the Parliament since I could not be given any chance to speak. No one else speaks about Mizoram because I am the only MP who has not yet been given a chance to speak. This is a very important day that I have been given a chance to speak.

When we talk of the North-East, we all know, that there have been insurgencies almost in every State of the North-East -- Nagaland, Mizoram, Assam, Manipur and Tripura. Why is there insurgency after insurgency? What is the root cause of insurgency in the North-East? How can we find out the real cause of the insurgency in the North-East? What is the solution or the remedy for this? What will be the answer to this trouble?

17.27 hrs (Shri K. Yerrannaidu in the Chair)

There may be different kinds of factors bringing about insurgency in the different States. There must be a root cause common to all.

During the British period, most of the North-East areas had been outside India. It was not within India. But with the Independence of India, these parts were brought under the Indian Union. Now we are celebrating the Fifty years of our Independence. All these Fifty years of Independence, the North-East people, particularly the Mizos have been trying to learn to become Indians. They have totally failed. What do we see in the North-East? We see only insurgency. Why? There must be a root cause for this. The main cause of this insurgency is the feeling of being insecured in the minds of the people of this land. They have a sense and feeling of insecurity and isolation. Even till now, most of the people in the remote areas do not know whether they are inside India or outside India as there is no positive role of the Government of India. I do not totally blame the Government of India. I have to blame even the State Government also to some extent. I do not have to hide anything. We do not expect lip sympathies but we accept the reality. Shri Kyndiah has spoken about Mizos.

In 1966 insurrection and insurgency broke out in Mizoram. What was the real cause of that? A spark neglected, burns the house. There was a great famine in Mizoram in 1959. But the people were very much dissatisfied with the treatment that they got from the Assam Government. So, there came a sort of an association like Mizo National Famine Front. No timely treatment was given to it. Because of that, the Famine Front turned into the MNF, a rebel organisation, demanding full independence from India.

But fortunately after 20 long years...

MR. CHAIRMAN : Please conclude now.

SHRI H. LALLUNGMUANA : Sir, this is my maiden speech. Please give me some time. There is no one to speak from Mizoram except me. Within five months, it is the only time I am getting. Please understand.

When the Peace Accord was signed in 1986, the people rejoiced. The Government of India was also very happy. We, the people, were also very happy expecting some reality from the Peace Accord. But the unfortunate thing is that the fulfilment of the provisions of the Peace Accord, till now, is not coming true. People are expecting something real from the Government of India.

For example, a separate University for Mizoram, has not come even after 12 years of the Peace Accord. There is no separate High Court in Mizoram which was a promise in the Peace Accord. There is no effective border trade even till now. For all these things that we are receiving now, the people are very discontented and very disappointed. So, the situation in Mizoram -- even though it is the most peaceful State in the North-East and even among the Indian States -- there is no progress or development at all. There is no infrastructure. The educated people are jobless. There is no employment opportunity for them. Of course, Mizoram stands the second highest in terms of literacy in India next to Kerala. It has got about 86 per cent literacy rate. But many educated people are jobless there. It is a hilly region. Agriculture could not be done very properly. They remain jobless. They remain doing nothing. So, they attempted to do something. Even it is not good, it will be a bad one.

But till now, it is very fortunate that we remain peaceful. But if the situation regarding employment and other things remain like this, I am afraid, a day may come when the youth who have not experienced the effect of the insurrection, will resort to take arms and rebellion. So, something is to be done now. The solution lies not in increasing the number of military people.

Let me tell you one experience of mine. During 1974, I was teaching in a college. Then, military operation during the mid night was there. My door was kicked by the military people and they forced to enter into my house. I did not allow this. I said, "Unless you bring some witness, you will not be allowed." Then they challenged me. They threatened to kill me. I said, "If you want to kill me, you kill me. I am a Class-I Gazetted Officer. I will not allow anybody who is against the Constitution." Then he said, "What did he do wrong?" Then I said, "You have the right. About your special act, I know. But you do not have the right to enter my house without two witnesses. You bring only one witness." Then he said, "Military people can do anything here in Mizoram." Then I said, "I do not see anybody who is able to do anything. Even the Prime Minister or the President of India cannot do anything he likes. If he does so, he is beyond the law, he will become outlaw. If you can do anything you like here, you become outlaw. You are the enemy of India. I will tell you. These people never see what is India. They do not know what is India like? You are the representative of India. If you do not follow the rules and acts of procedure or the Indian Penal Code, then India is the country which never respect any human rights here. How can you win the hearts of the people?" This is what I challenged him. Then at last, he could not refute.

Now, the solution lies in the heart-winning policy, in the confidence-making policy of the Government of India. Let us give employment, let us give something to do to the youth now. This is the solution.

Another thing, which I want to point out is that on the part of the State Government, there is a great misuse of money in the North-Eastern region. This is also the cause of trouble there. So, the Central Government should follow a little bit rigid and strict financial management.

Do not give forgiveness or too much of condonation or such sort of things to the existing administration. Even as such corruption is too rampant. The beneficiaries should be reached with any amount sanctioned for them. Unless these measures are taken, how can we have the feeling of greatness for India? Let us show a good India to the people of the North-East. Then only will we win their hearts and real peace will come through the development.

I would like to thank the hon. Members of this House for paying full attention to the discussion on the North-East in regard to insurgency. I would like to talk about the state of Nagaland as most of the speakers have centered around their discussion on Nagaland and if I was an examiner today, I would have given hon. Member Shri Indrajit Gupta hundred per cent marks for what he stated today on the issue of Nagaland. Because this insurgency problem has been centered around the State of Nagaland, the genesis, as our MP Shri Kalita said the day before yesterday, has originated from the State of Nagaland. Therefore, the State of Nagaland which exists today is the State which was formed as the 16th State in the Indian Union with the agreement signed in 1963 between the people of Nagaland and the Government of India, known as the 16 Point Agreement. The State of Nagaland was formed out of political necessity and it was also understood that this State would not be an economically viable State.

The State of Nagaland had its first upheaval in 1929 during the Simon Commission period. As it passed through the independence day in 1953, the upheaval was at its peak. There was a problem because the Army which had been sent there to contain the law and order had mismanaged the entire situation and it was out of control. The Army had gone in and committed a lot of atrocities. On the other side, the radicals had taken up arms and started a guerilla warfare. For a period of more than ten years there had been a conflict. In 1994 a cease-fire was declared between the Government of India and the Naga Federal Government. This talk had been taking place for six to seven rounds. On one side there were the underground leaders and on the other side the Government of India led by the Prime Minister, the then Prime Minister Shrimati Indira Gandhi, was there. But the peace talk failed after two years and the situation was very tense. One and a half decades later three factions were formed in the State of Nagaland which consists of NSCN (IM), NSCN (K) and NNC which has the Government known as the Naga Federal Government.

A series of talks have taken place between their leaders and the former Prime Ministers Shri H.D. Deve Gowda and Shri I.K. Gujral. I believe Shri Gujral has also met the leaders of the NSCN (IM) in Geneva. But today this dialogue has been handed over to a few people who are I think the nominees of the Government of India. I think, a proper approach should be made because it has already been said by many Army Generals and politicians that it is a political problem which cannot be solved by the Army. Right now, we have more than four corps, each consisting of three divisions but till today, for forty-five years, this insurgency problem has not been contained. There are only a handful of five thousand to six thousand insurgents, who are highly trained but they are getting increased in numbers today. Therefore, how do we find a solution?

The younger generation should be given more attractive jobs because small jobs like chowkidars which are sponsored by the Government of India are not helping. The jobs are advertised in some other States, appointments are made there and people are posted there. On top of that, there is no industrial activity. There is no economic development also because every time something comes up for development, they are sabotaged by the insurgents. The Government of Nagaland is facing another problem because people who have surrendered have been accommodated in the Government service as peons, chowkidars, etc. We have a very heavy backlog of salaries as the Government of India is also giving only a small amount which cannot help pay up the salaries of the police personnel in the State.

In the Sixteen-Point Agreement, in point 2, it has been stated that the Ministry-in charge of Nagaland shall be the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India. Now, it has been brought under the Ministry of Home Affairs. This is flouting the agreement. Then, in point 11, there is a provision for financial assistance from the Government of India to supplement the revenues of the Nagaland. There is also a provision for the Government of India to pay out of the Consolidated Fund of India under 11 (1) a lump sum each year for the development programmes in the State of Nagaland and under 11 (2) a Grant-in-Aid towards meeting the cost of administration.

If the Government of India is really keen to solve this problem, I think, we have to look at it this way. I will now quote what the hon. Prime Minister has recently stated about the State of Jammu and Kashmir: `The massive unemployment of the youths in the State of Jammu and Kashmir has been a contributory factor in the growth of militancy.' If this is so with the State of Jammu and Kashmir, it is the same with the State of Nagaland. Therefore, it cannot be bifurcated. This is the same problem which we are facing.

One aspect that I would like to point out to hon. Members is that the problem of Nagaland is quite unlike the Kashmir problem in that we have no tug of war between Pakistan and India. This is a problem of secession. They want to secede from this country. So, if we want to keep this State as part of the big nation that is India, I think, we should look into the development programmes and give adequate funds.

There are two or three points that I would like to add. Some Corporations have been existing since the inception of the State. A lot of people who have surrendered have been accommodated in these Corporations. Today, the State is not able to pay up the salaries. They are not able to run these industries. There is a heavy backlog of liabilities and they have taken loans from the banks and private borrowers. Recently, the Supreme Court of India has put a ban on movement of all forest products. There is a Corporation known as the Nagaland Forest Products Limited, Tizit in Mon District which is really building up a huge liability. I think, the Government of India should quickly come to its rescue. The ban has resulted in piling up of huge stocks of raw material and finish products. The business of the Corporation has come to stand still. For several years may workers have been rendered jobless.

The Centre should give financial assistance to pay for the huge liabilities. The amount that is due to the Government of India should be waived off as it happened in the case of Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir so that the State Government is able to function and contain the law and order problem.

With these few words I conclude.